May 16, 2016 Open Meeting
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Submitted by alexis_cook on Thu, 05/12/2016 - 10:15am
Monday, May 16, 2016 - 6:00am
May 16, 2016
6:00 p.m. Closed Session at District Office
6:30 p.m. Open Session at Oregon High School Gymnasium
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Motion for closed session for Personnel, Pending Litigation, Collective Bargaining Issues or other Exceptions to the Open Meeting Act
- Employment, Resignation, Retirement, Personnel, Pending Litigation, Collective Bargaining Issues or other Motions from Closed Session
- Mission Statement: “Educate students to be lifelong learners who are productive, responsible citizens.”
- Recognitions:
- Brenda Holm & Matt Martin
- Bill Nesemeier
- Ann Tilton
- Mike Boyer
- Students, Staff and Volunteers who worked on the new OHS mural along with a dedication
- Presentations:
- Hawk Helpers
- Ms. Holmes students to present on student-led classrooms
- Public Comment
- Consent Agenda items:
- Approve Accounts Payable for May 2016
- Approve Activity Accounts for April 2016
- Approve open and closed board meeting minutes for April 2018, 2016 meeting
- Appoint IASB Delegate
- Approve Board Meeting Dates for 2016-2017
- Approve Prevailing Wage Agreement for 2016-2017
- Approval the removal of Ann Tilton as a signer on the Oregon Elementary Activity Account held at Harvard State Bank.
- Approve the following board policy updates:
- 6:300 Graduation Requirements; 7:150 Agency and Police Interviews; 7:190 Student Behavior; 7:200 Suspension Procedures; 7:210 Expulsion Procedures; 7:220 Bus Conduct; 7:240 Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities; 7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
- Approval of 6 month review of board minutes
- Second Reading and Approval of Student Handbooks for 2016-2017
- Administrator Reports
- New Business
- Old Business
- Other Matters before the Board
- President’s Prerogative
- Motion to adjourn
Groups audience: