April 18, 2016 Open Meeting

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Monday, April 18, 2016 - 5:30pm
April 18, 2016
5:30 p.m. Closed Session at DLR – Room 203
6:30 p.m. Open Session at DLR Junior High Library
  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Motion for closed session for Personnel, Pending Litigation, Collective Bargaining Issues or other Exceptions to the Open Meeting Act
  5. Employment, Resignation, Retirement, Personnel, Pending Litigation, Collective Bargaining Issues or other Motions from Closed Session.
  6. Mission Statement: “Educate students to be lifelong learners who are productive, responsible citizens.”
  7. Recognitions:
  • First Grade Team at Oregon Elementary for bringing the NIU STEM team to the district
  • Kindergarten Team for being contacted by Stillman Valley to observe our district’s kindergarten kickoff and student screening process
  • Lori Peterson for the IREAD program
  1. Club Presentation by:
  • Music, Drama and Madrigals
  1. Public Comment
  2. Consent Agenda items:
  • Approve Accounts Payable for April 2016
  • Approve Activity Accounts for March 2016
  • Approve open and closed board meeting minutes for March 21, 2016
  1. Approval of Cooperative Agreement for student swim team with Byron  for the years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018
  2. Approval of Resolution to Authorize Acceptance of the Contract and By-Laws Document of the Illinois Scholastic Cooperative and Authorizing Membership in the ICS.
  3. Approval of Athletico 2016-2017 Agreement to Provide Athletic Training Services
  4. First Reading of Student Handbooks for 2016-2017
  5. Administrator Reports
  • Presentation on Senate Bill 100 by Mr. Huels, Ms. Watson, Ms. Holmes and Mr. Hickerson
  1. New Business
  2. Old Business
  3. Other Matters before the Board
  4. President’s Prerogative
  5. Motion to adjourn
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